MELS Reader

4.6 ( 1016 ratings )
Developer: E-Learn
9.99 USD

It is a brief digital multimodal text reading system for comprehending contemporary screen-based information. Authors can create their content on a computer and send them to their student list. All the students will subsequently receive the content on their mobile devices. The readers can also search for content from different authors to follow.

This reading system enhances a new genre in interacting with information. Readers can engage actively, select their path of engagement with digital texts and participate in the process of reading.

What does MELS Digital Multimodal Texts Reader provide?

The author can create digital content (in different modes, i.e. images, videos, written texts and sounds) and disseminate it to the readers (the app users). The users can access the content at their convenient time.

How to use your MELS Digital Multimodal Texts Reader to read your content?

1. Create an account at “” and register yourself as an editor.

2. Download the Digital Multimodal Texts Reader app, register an account as a user and sign in with the account ID. Add the editor ID into your account.

3. Sign in with your account as an editor at, create your content by using the “editor” program.

4. Once you have completed your content, publish it and send it to your readers in the list.